6 Ways To Shop Sustainably
••• How we shop and care for our clothing are easy ways to reduce our carbon footprint and protect our planet’s soil, fresh waters, and oceans. Check out some simple tips to...
A Guide To Slow Fashion
••• We shine a light on Slow Fashion, what is it? What are the hard facts about fast fashion ••• "We know that when we protect our oceans we’re protecting our future..."We...
The Environmental Impact of Neoprene Wetsuits & Swimsuits: Exploring Sustainable Alternatives
••• Wetsuits are a staple gear for water enthusiasts, providing insulation and protection in various aquatic activities. However, many people are unaware of the environmental implications associated with neoprene wetsuits. Neoprene,...
Earth Day 2022
In celebration of Earth Day 2022, we want to remind all you wonderful folk who follow SLO ACTIVE and love our products why exactly we do what we do.
Using Technology to Make More Sustainable Lifestyle Choices
It can be hard knowing where to start when wanting to tackle issues like climate change or plastic pollution, not to mention all the other social justice issues we are faced with across supply chains, particularly in the fashion industry. We’ve put together a list of websites, apps and browser extensions that will allow you to make ethical and sustainable lifestyle choices which can have a huge positive impact but involve as little effort as possible.